More and more people are realising how important and actually inevitable it is to live more sustainably now and in the future. As a result, more and more people are looking for ways to consume and live more sustainably. But where can I actually find fair fashion, where can I shop without packaging or have my broken things repaired? Where and when is there a zero-waste workshop or a lecture on sustainable travel?
These are precisely the questions that Beatrix and Andrea have addressed in Graz, pioneering a platform to help Grazers live more sustainably. The page Sustainable in Graz (NiG) presents shops with sustainable and low-packaging goods and services specifically related to Graz and the surrounding area - as well as initiatives for a more sustainable life with a social face. A calendar with many events, initiatives, workshops and much more can also be found on the platform:
With the website we want to Sustainable in Graz help all Graz residents to make their city more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Less waste means a better quality of life and more time for the really important things in life. We want to show that this is not as difficult as it often first appears.
The idea and the concept of NiG have gradually convinced others to set up similar platforms for their own city or region. We have listed these for you below.
Other platforms inspired by NiG:
Sustainable in Wechselland
Sustainable in Burgenland
Nachhahltig in Baden
Sustainable in the Innviertel
Sustainable in Berndorf
Sustainable in Weiden
Sustainable in Frohnleiten
Buxtehude in transition
Independent of NiG:
Sustainable in Vienna
Sustainable in Salzburg
NiG shop
Since December 2018, in addition to the NiG platform, there has also been the NiG shop. Here you can give away and swap what you (no longer) need, and you can also find lots of information and inspiration on the topic of "environmentally conscious living". Take a look if you live in Graz or are visiting the city.
@ blog post photo: Panos Sakalakis at Unsplash