
Private camper sharing - part of the sharing economy

Privates Camper-Sharing – ein Teil der Sharing Economy Leonard Röser 22. June 2021 Sharing Economy Sharing Economy, gemeinschaftlicher Konsum, Share Economy, Ökonomie des Teilen, es gibt viele Bezeichnungen, aber bisher keine allgemeingültige Definition. Im Vordergrund steht jedoch meistens der Nutzen von etwas, was man sich ansonsten nicht leisten kann oder nicht leisten will. Es geht […]

Private camper sharing - part of the sharing economy Read article

Sustainable travel with the motorhome

Sustainable travel with a motorhome, is that even possible?

Schau aufs Land stands for sustainable camping travel. We very often get the question "sustainable travel with a motorhome, what is sustainable about that?". This is a good and important question, and I would like to address it in this blog post.

"Every known form of mobility inevitably causes environmental pollution. Only the extent of the burden can be changed".

Sustainable travel with a motorhome, is that even possible? Read article

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