Schau aufs Land " Platform " Affiliate partnership

Affiliate partnership

Registration for the Affiliate Programme

We would like you to participate in our success as an affiliate partner.

As an affiliate partner, you will receive the agreed commission on the net sales price for all purchases made via your affiliate link on our web platform.

Sign up for the affiliate programme now:

After submitting the following data, you will receive an email with a link where you can register for the corresponding affiliate programme.

How it works:

  1. Register as an affiliate:in. Our affiliate system runs through the provider Rewardful and is directly connected to our web app.
  2. As an affiliate partner, you will receive the agreed commission on the net sales price for all purchases made via your affiliate link on our web platform.
  3. Via your free Rewardful Affiliate account you can see the number of visitors & leads as well as the commissions received.
  4. The cookie window runs for 60 days - if a purchase is made during this period from the first click on your link, this will be credited to your affiliate account.
  5. Payment is made annually on 31 December - the minimum payment amount is € 50.
  6. We consciously select our affiliate partners and also reserve the right to reject applications if they do not correspond to our philosophy.
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