
Voucher & Access codes

Here you find information on how you can activate your membership with an access codeor how you can give your camper friends a nice present with one of our vouchers.

If you buy a voucher or access code, the membership is only valid for a full 365 days after the code has been redeemed (e.g. give a gift for Christmas and only redeem it in the spring).

Use access code

You can activate your annual membership with the access code on your gift voucher. Only this type of activation is valid for 365 days from the date of redemption and then expires automatically.

How it works

  1. Buy an access code in our web shop or use your gift voucher you received.
  2. Go to the website https://schauaufs.land/webapp or open the app on Android.
    Info for iOS usersThe access code can only be redeemed via our web platform & the Android app. Unfortunately, Apple prohibits external access codes in the iOS app. After redeeming the code via the web platform & thus activating your account, you can also use the iOS app as normal).
  3. Register as traveller or – if you already have an account, log in with your email address and password.
  4. On the next page you can enter your code by clicking on "Redeem access code". Use access code
  5. Your membership for the respective country is now activated & you have full access to Schau aufs Land. Now you also see the links to download the app and can use our platform right away on all devices (PC & App).
  6. Before you set off, please make sure you find out how our concept works and read the Code of conduct through. Based on appreciation, this forms the basis of Schau aufs Land.

This is what you get:

The app from Schau aufs Land
The app from Schau aufs Land

This is what you get:

  • Access to exclusive & free (in return for a purchase) pitches away from mass tourism
  • Max. 1–3 spots per business – exclusively for our members.
  • Permission to stay there for max. 24 hours each.
  • Unlimited use for 365 days.
  • A selection of businesses that care for organic food and sustainability.
  • Access to regional products and offers.
  • Interactive map with all businesses
  • Detailed search with many filter options (Mobile home, caravan, non-self-sustainable camper, tent, toilet, electricity, showers, offers at the farm, and many more)
  • Detail pages with photos, more information on the business, their offers, the pitch and on leisure activities close by.
  • Favourites function – find your favourite spots
  • Reviews from travelers – write your own or read others

Please note that the businesses are not campsites – therefore, there is generally no infrastructure offered. Any such offer is a completely voluntary additional service for which the hosts may ask a small fee or voluntary contribution on site.

The app from Schau aufs Land

How Schau aufs Land works:

Step 1

Step 1

Find out how Schau aufs Land works and get your membership. Read the code of conduct.

Step 2

Step 2

Check out our platform and search for businesses you would like to visit.

Step 3

Step 3

A reservation is not possible. Simply contact your hosts 1–2 days prior to arrival and ask if a spot is free and when you can visit.

Step 4

Step 4

Greet your hosts and show your membership card. Get acquainted with the rules at the farm.

Step 5

Step 5

Enjoy the stay (max. 24 hours) and show your gratitude for the free night with a purchase or a voluntary contribution.

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