Schau aufs Land " Typing fully completed
Type approval for the electric camper

Typing fully completed

Typing fully completed

Leonard Röser

19 March 2024

E-Luise is now officially an electric camper!

As many of you have realised: There have been many hurdles and countless project delays over the last two years. For us, the entire project was a very lengthy and arduous process. It wasn't even about the type approval of the electric drive. This was handled very quickly thanks to Martin's expertise and good preparation. The problems only came afterwards.

The curriculum vitae of E-Luise

After spending the first part of its life as a rescue vehicle, it was then converted into a camping vehicle with four seats. However, the conversion to the electric drive with the batteries in combination with the not so light wooden interior meant that the permissible total weight of 2.3 tonnes was almost reached. As a result, it was only approved as a 2-seater when it was first type-approved.

However, the VW T3 is also available with a gross vehicle weight of 2.8 tonnes. That's exactly what we needed for E-Luise. However, the road there was rocky and difficult. After countless phone calls, many different statements from different authorities and a few conversions and precautions, we finally managed it anyway: the E-Luise is now a fully type-approved electric camper with a gross vehicle weight of 2.8 tonnes and four registered seats.

What happens next?

The engine cooling system has been renewed, the BMS software has been updated and the gearbox has also been overhauled.

We are now fully testing E-Luise again to ensure that everything works smoothly. After all, we naturally want to ensure that there are no unexpected surprises for the letting from summer 2024.

Letting from summer 2024

After last year's delays and the completion of the type approval process, we are now really confident for the first time that we will be able to officially rent out E-Luise from summer 2024. If you are interested in a camping trip with the electric camper, you can already make a non-binding reservation enquiry now:

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